Pages: Lists of Fundamental Documents

30 September 2011

Agent Orange & Peripheral Neuropathy

After the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy carried a note about our Agent Orange & C-123 connection, I wrote them asking for advice helpful to our flyers. Here is the on-target advice from a Vietnam veteran who's already gone this route. Consider his approach...I can think of none better as we submit our VA claims. One important point about peripheral must be acute and it must evidence within one year of exposure.

In my case, I had burning sensations severe enough that, while still flying the C-123, I had two operations to sever nerves in my left leg to stop the pain, thus meeting the timing requirement for symptoms. Let us all know how your own complaints get received by the VA!

Eugene Richardson to brendaDominickme
show details 6:49 AM (1 hour ago) 

Brenda at the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy sent me your request regarding
exposure to Agent Orange and Peripheral Neuropathy and fighting with the VA.

As a retired Vietnam Veteran 67/68 I fought with the VA for six years and finally received
100% disability due to exposure to Agent Orange that in all PROBABILITTY resulted
in my symptoms of PN!   Others have fought the same battle and won.

The secret is to have a Neuromuscular Neurologist familiar with PN to run all the tests
possible and rule out all other causes.   In this way via an AFFIDAVIT from that
doctor, he can state that since all other causes have been ruled out, there is a
very HIGH probability that your diagnosis and symptoms from PN are due to your
exposure to Agent Orange.

Refer to the research at the University of Pennsylvania School of Vet Medicine, published
in the findings of the IOM December 2009, stating in essence that dioxin is a toxin and a
carcinogen of the worst order, causing previously unknown damage to the very cellular
structure of the human body and even the VA acknowledges that it causes Peripheral

Go on my website at and first ORDER the FREE DVD
at the ORDER DVD tab.  

Second, go to the VETERANS/AGENT ORANGE tab read what it says about Agent Orange
and PN, then at the VERY BOTTOM of this page there is a booklet to download.  In this
booklet there are samples of cases won in regard to PM/Agent Orage, and sample
affidavits that I used. If you have someone write up a draft affidavit for your doctor to use,
that is better, as no doctor has the time to do this for you. Make sure you only use facts
from your medical record that the VA has or will have.

After all of this go to the FAQ tab and read all the questions and answers as you will learn
much.  Remember some Neurologists support the fact of chronic neuropathy due to Agent
Orange Exposure and other support only the Acute forms, and others deny everything.   It
is important to know that the amount of Clinical training in the diagnosis and treatment of the
neuropathies is in its infancy and few have been sufficiently trained.   If you read Dr. Latov’s
book (RESOURCE tab) on the causes and some treatments, you will know more than many
of them but do not tell them this.   Just use your knowledge to GUIDE them by asking
questions that they can explore with you by testing. 

When you have done all of this, please let me know when you have other questions.

If you have a website we can send you a LINK ICON to the website for other veterans.

I have attached an endorsement on the DVD and WEBSITE from professionals and ALL 
of the endorsements are in the NSN TODAY tab on the website.

Col Gene
EUGENE B. RICHARDSON, BA, MDiv, EdM, MS (Counseling) LtCol, USA (Retired)
President, Network for Neuropathy Support, Inc., dba Neuropathy Support Network
Advisory Board Member of The Neuropathy Association, Inc.
Volunteer Patient Support and Advocate
Disabled American Veteran

Visit The Neuropathy Association, Inc., at

Description: Email-Signature

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