Pages: Lists of Fundamental Documents

27 January 2017


Today the VA issued a memorandum that I believe is in quiet defiance of a federal hiring freeze ordered by President Trump.
Refusing to set aside its obligations to veterans the VA, led by Acting Secretary Snyder, took extraordinary exception to the federal hiring freeze and said it would hire as necessary personnel for front-line medical care and safety.

Either the VA directly defined the president which I take as unlikely, or they went to the administration and fought for the necessary exemption. In the first case their actions could be overturned quite easily, But in the second case if the administration conceded to the VA's urging and authorized this action,  then all is well.

In fact, it speaks well for everyone involved.

The New York Times made a special point in their phrasing of the news:

"A few hours later, the acting secretary of veterans affairs, Robert D. Snyder, seemed to contradict the White House, saying in a brief statement that the department plans to “exempt anyone it deems necessary for public safety, including front-line caregivers.”
Putting it in the best light possible, VA said their actions were "in the best spirit" of the President's intentions. CLICK for the press release describing the VA actions:

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