07 March 2017

Important VA and military abbreviations

This list copied from a YUKO post by SC Vet .

Acronyms Used When Veterans Benefits Are Involved. 

Acronymns, Abbreviations, and Short-cuts used by the Government, both State and Federal, as well as by involved individuals when discussing Veterans Benefits, Retirement and Disability:

38 CFR - Title 38 Code of Federal Regulations
38 USC - Title 38 of the United States Code
A&A - Aid and Attendance
AAFES - Army & Air Force Exchange Service
ABD - Annuity Beginning Date
ACE Automated Certificate of Eligibility
AD - Active Duty
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
AFEES - Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station
AIS - Automated Information Systems
AL - American Legion
ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
AMC - Appeals Management Center
AMVETS - AMVETS (American Veterans)
AO - Agent Orange
BCD - Bad Conduct Discharge
BCMR - Board of Corrections for Military Records
BDD - Benefits Delivery at Discharge
BDN - Benefits Delivery Network
BiPAP - Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure.
BVA - Board of Veterans Appeals
BX - Base Exchange
CAP - Combined Assessment Program
C&V - Construction and Valuation [a unit at a RLC that evaluates construction and makes sure that effective controls are in place to ensure that fee appraisers are qualified and that appraisal assignments are made equitably]
CBOC - Community-based Outpatient Clinic
CHAMPVA - Civilian Health and Medical Program of VA
CAD - Coronary Artery Disease
CAP - Combined Assessment Program [CAP reviews are part of the Office of Inspector Generals (OIG) effort to ensure that high quality health care and benefits services are provided to the Nations veterans]
CARES - Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services
CAVC - Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
CHAMPVA - Civilian Hearth and Medical Program VA .
Chapter 61 - US Code, Title 10, Chapter 61 Disability Retirements
Chapter 35 - Title 38 US Code Dependents' Educational Assistance Program
Chapter 71 - US Code, Title 10, Chapter 71 Computation of retired pay
CFIDS - Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome
C-File - Claims File
C-File # - Claims File ID Number (Now your SSAN)
CFS - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
CMS - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
COLA - Cost of Living Allowance
COOP Continuity of Operations Plan
COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
C & P - Compensation and Pension
CPAP - Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
CPEP - Compensation and Pension Examination Program
CPI - Consumer Price Index
CPI - Claims Processing Improvement [A Team Structure based on task-based teams with defined functions]
CRDP - Concurrent Retirement and Disability Payments
CSRS - Civil Service Retirement System
CRSC - Combat-Related Special Compensation
CUE - Clear and Unmistakeable Error
C&UE - Clear and Unmistakeable Error
CWT - Compensated Work Therapy
CZTE - Combat Zone Tax Exclusion
DANTES - Defense Activities Non-Traditional Education Support
DAV - Disabled American Veterans
DBQ - Disability Benefits Questionnaire 
DC - Diagnostic Code also Death Certificate
DD - Dishonorable Discharge
DD-149 - Application for the Correction of Military Record
DD-214 - Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
DD-293 - Application for the Review of Discharge from the Armed Forces of the United States
DD-1172 - Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card - DEERS Enrollment
DD-1173 - United States Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card
DD-2765 - Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card
DEA - Dependents' Educational Assistance Program
DeCA - Defense Commissary Agency
DEROS - Date Eligible for Return From Overseas
DFAS - Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DIC - Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
DMII - Diabetes Mellitus Type II
DoD - Department of Defense
DRB - Discharge Review Board
DRO - Decision Review Officer
DSM IV - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition
DVA - Department of Veterans Affairs
EAJA - Equal Access to Justice Act
EAS - End of Active Service
EAOS - End of Active Obligated Service
EEO - Office of Equal Opportunity
EP - End Product (System)
ESG - Environmental Support Group
FECA - Federal Employees Compensation Act
FERS - Federal Employees Retirement System
F&FE - Fiduciary and Field Examination
FHA - Federal Housing Administration
FICA - Federal Insurance Contributions Act
FM - Fibromyalgia
FOIA - Freedom Of Information Act
FR - Federal Register
FRA - Full Retirement Age
FSGLI - Family Service Members Group Life Insurance
GAF - Global Assessment of Function
GAO - Government Accountability Office
GHP - Group Health Plan
GIB - GI Bill
GOE - General Operating Expenses
GWI - Gulf War I
GWII - Gulf War II
HAC - Health Administration Center
HIPPA - Health Information Portability and Accountability Act
HISA - Home Improvement and Structural Alterations Program
HUD - Department of Housing and Urban Development
IG - Inspector General
ILP - Independent Living Program
IME - Independent Medical Evaluations
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMO - Independant Medical Opinion
IOM - Institute of Medicine
IRM - Information Resources Management
IQR - Random Individual Quality Review
IRR - Individual Ready Reserve
ISTM - It Seems To Me
IRS - Internal Revenue Service
IRIS - Inquiry Routing and Information System
I/U - Individual Unemployabilty
JSRRC - U.S. Army & Joint Services Records Research Center
LIE - Legal Instruments Examiner
LGY - Loan Guaranty
LOD - Line of Duty
LPE - Last Pre-Retirement Nonrailroad Employer
LTC - Long Term Care
M21-1MR - VA Claims Adjudication Manual
MEB - Medical Evaluation Board
MGIB - Montgomery GI Bill
MGIB-AD - Montogmery GI Bill - Active Duty Educational Assistance Program
MGIB-SR - Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve
MIA - Missing in Action
MOAA - Military Officers Association of America
MOPH - Military Order of the Purple Heart
MOS - Military Occupation Specialty
MWR - Morale, Welfare & Recreation
NAGE - National Association of Government Employees
NARA - National Archives Records Administration
NCA - National Cemetery Administration
NDAA - National Defense Authorization Act
NDR - Non-Duty Related
NEC - Navy Enlisted Classification (code)
NEX - Navy Exchange
NIH - National Institutes of Health
NOD - Notice of Disagreement
NP - Nurse Practiconer
NPRC - National Personnel Records Center
NSC - Non Service Connected
NSO - National Service Officer (Usually DAV)
NSLI - National Service Life Insurance
NVLSP - National Veterans Legal Services Program
OEF - Operation Enduring Freedom
OIF - Operation Iraqi Freedom
OGC - (VA) Office of General Counsel
OJT - On-the-job Training
OMPF - Official Military Personnel File
OPM - Office of Personnel Management
ORM - Office of Resolution Management
OWCP - Office of Workers Compensation Program
PA - Physicians Assistant
PARDS - Partner Assisted Rating Decision System (a fast track claim)
PC - Prostate Cancer
PCP - Primary Care Physician
PDR - Physicians Desk Reference
PDRL - Permanently Disabled Retired List
PEB - Physical Evaluation Board
PEBLO - Physical Evaluation Board Liason Officer
PG - Persian Gulf
PMA Presidents Management Agenda
PN - Peripheral Neuropathy
POA - Power of Attorney
POW - Prisoner of War
PSA - Prostate-specific antigen (Test For Prostate Cancer)
PSP - Public Service Pension
P&T - Permanently and Totally Disabled
PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PVD - Peripheral Vascular Disease
PVA - Paralyzed Veterans of America
PX - Post Exchange
QC - Quarters of Coverage
QTC - Quality Treatment Corporation (a VA medical contractor)
redux - Military Retirement Reform Act of 1986
RIF Reduction in Force
RLC - Regional Loan Center [VA has 9 Regional Centers located throughout the US that handle loan processing. For example the Cleveland VARO has one of the largest RLC which provides home loan guaranty services for the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.]
RO - Regional Office
RRA - Railroad Retiremnet Act
RRB - Railroad Retirement Board
RVSR - Rating Veterans Service Representative
SAH - Specially Adapted Housing
SAA - State Approving Agency
SBA Small Business Administration
SBP - Survivors Benefit Plan
SC - Service Connected
SCI - Spinal Cord Injury
S-DVI Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance
SEA - Sotheast Asia
SECA - Self-Employment Contributions Act
SEP - Special Enrollment Period
SF-180 - Standard Form, Requests Pertaining to Military Records
SGLI - Servicemembers Group Life Insurance
SMC-n - Special Monthly Compensation where "n" is K thru R
SMR - Service Medical Records
SO - Service Officer
SOC - Statement of the Case
SR - Service Records
SQC - Statistical Quality Control
SS - Social Security
SSA - Social Security Administration
SSB - Special Separation Benefits
SSAN - Social Security Account Number
SSI - Supplemental Security Income
SSN - Social Security Number
SSOC - Supplemental Statement of the Case
Super Senior [Technical Expert to mentor VA staff involved in the process of claims establishment]
TAP - Transition Assistance Program
TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
TDIU -Totally Disabled based on Individual Unemployability
TIGER TEAM [A special unit at the Cleveland VARO that is responsible for expeditiously processing certain C&P claims submitted by beneficiaries who are aged 70 or older. The Tiger Team, which reports to VBA Headquarters, is staffed with RVSRs, VSRs, and clerical support.]
TSGLI - Traumatic Service Members Group Life Insurance
USCIS U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
VA Department of Veterans Affairs (Also, sometimes referred to as DVA)
VAMC VA Medical Center
VARO VA Regional Office
VBA Veterans Benefits Administration
VCS - Veteran's Canteen Service
VEAP Post-Vietnam Era Veterans Educational Assistance Program
VEOA Veterans Employment Opportunities Act
VETSNET Veterans Services Network
VFW Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
VGLI Veterans Group Life Insurance
VHA Veterans Health Administration
VISN Veterans Integrated Service Network
VistA Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture
VMET Verification of Military Experience and Training
VMLI Veterans Mortgage Life Insurance
VONAPP - Veterans On Line Applications
VR&E Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
VSC - Veterans Service Center
VSI Voluntary Separation Incentives
VSO Veterans Service Organization
VSR Veterans Service Representative
WAAC Womens Army Auxiliary Corps
WARMS - Web Automated Reference Materials System
WASPs Women Air Force Service Pilots
WIPP Work-In-Process [system of the BDN that generates reports to monitor and manage individual claims]

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