07 May 2013

Newest YouTube Video: C-123 Veterans Challenge VA's "Scientific Review of C-123" Article

Posted yesterday: C-123 Veterans Challenge VA's "Scientific Review of C-123 Agent Orange" article.

The VA began poisoning the air immediately after the first C-123 Agent Orange exposure concerns were raised by veterans. Their basic response was posted on the Internet entitled "Scientific Review of Agent Orange in C-123 Aircraft." Our is a long 22-minute video, because there was much to cover, or should we say, uncover, regarding this act of deception on the part of VA.

As science, this article from VA is useless. It reflects a 100% one-sided argument, framed solely to prevent any possibility of our veterans qualifying for Agent Orange exposure protection. VA deliberately ignored everything in science which would have confirmed our possible exposure, and cherry-picked only materials to deny us. Amazing, but they even cited Dr. Linda Birnbaum of the NIH/NEIHS as author of an article "proving" we weren't exposed, yet Dr. Birnbaum has written that C-123 veterans WERE exposed to dioxin.

VA scientists writing this certainly won't be proud to list it in their CV of publications - no, it isn't science, but rather policy, and it doesn't deserve to be called science! As for VA's cherry-picking of references, we must remember what VA's Compensation Services told us on 28 February 2013 - that no amount of evidence proving C-123 veterans' exposure will be considered because VA's Post Deployment Health has already ruled that no C-123 veteran was ever exposed.

I guess we'll have to keep arguing that point with them!

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