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Under Secretary Allison Hickey |
General Hickey, in her 1 October 2012 letter to me,
stated “Currently, there is no equivalent legal basis for
acknowledging "secondary" or "remote" Agent Orange
exposure, such as that from contact with
material or equipment previously used in Vietnam.” She, and the Director Compensation and Pension (C&P) have used that language to deny claims like mine.
This language is very similar, and perhaps even taken from
Fast Letter 09-20. Issued by then-Director of Compensation Services Bradley
Mayes, it addressed Thailand and other exposure situations outside the “boots
on the ground’ population, and stated the VA allowed “no presumption of ‘secondary
exposure’ based on being near or working on aircraft that flew over Vietnam or
handling equipment once used in Vietnam…no studies that we are aware of showing
harmful health effects for any such secondary or remote herbicide contact that
may have occurred in Vietnam.
In their zeal to prevent claim approvals, Compensation
Services clearly misstates the situation involving C-123 aircraft, proven contaminated
by multiple Air Force tests. The C-123 veterans’ exposure was primary…not secondary. Secondary
exposure a completely different situation in toxicology than that which applies
to C-123 veterans. The C-123 crews, maintenance and aerial port personnel had
long-term, intense, direct contact and thereby exposure to aircraft “heavily
contaminated” with military herbicides, including Agent Orange and its toxic
TCDD. It is scientifically incorrect for the VA to label exposure aboard C-123
aircraft to be merely “secondary.” It is therefore improper to dismiss C-123
veterans’ claims on the unscientific basis, erroneously presented, of mere
secondary exposure when the instead these veterans endured primary (also known
as initial) exposure, via dermal and inhalation routes, and perhaps ingestion
as well.
Scientifically, and logically, “secondary exposure” is
extremely simple – to touch that thing which first touched the contaminant. The
hand touching the toxin, then touching the airplane, results in secondary
exposure to the next hand touching the airplane. The VA should recognize that
ours is the initial hand and not the secondary hand. Follow? The first hand has primary exposure, the second hand secondary expsoure.
C-123 veterans take no position on whether, as General
Hickey states, there is or is not any legal basis for acknowledging secondary
Agent Orange exposure, or remote Agent Orange exposure. That is not our
situation, and that is not our mechanism for having been exposed to Agent Orange
and other military herbicides, because our exposure was primary.
Kindly solicit the opinion of qualified experts from the
CDC/ATSDR or NIH/NIESH, or any beginning toxicology graduate student, or even
Google the definitions of “secondary exposure” and “remote exposure” to resolve
any lingering question regarding the inappropriate, and apparently highly
selective, application of these terms employed to deny eligible C-123 veterans’
claims. These claims are well-founded, clearly have merit, are substantiated by
appropriate federal government agencies, reputable universities (Columbia,
University of Texas, Oregon Health Sciences University, others) and independent
toxicologists (and whose opinions are perfectly acceptable to the Institute of
Medicine which routinely seeks out their counsel [Dr. Stellman, Dr. Birnbaum,
Dr. Schecter], and clearly are not “inherently incredible”, to use the language
of FL 09-20 and other VA documents. The critical observer will see these names
cited through the IOM reports and elsewhere in peer-reviewed publications. The
critical observer will not a similar presence for authors of the VA’s position.
Dr. Tom Sinks, Deputy Director of the CDC/Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, reviewed the situation and in his
finding repeated the VA position “(the) VA has concluded the potential for long-term adverse
health effects from Agent Orange residues in these planes is minimal. Even if crew exposure did occur, it is unlikely
that sufficient amounts of dried Agent Orange
residue could have entered the body to have caused harm.” He then disputes the
VA website information and language used in denying several veterans’ claims
with his conclusion “I believe that aircrew operating in this, and similar, environments
were exposed to TCDD.” Dr. Sinks did not find our exposure to be secondary. He
did not find it to be insufficient to cause harm. He found it quite harmful,
and also noted our cancer risk was 200-times greater than the screening value.
Can a reasonable rating officer review the C-123
veterans’ claims and dismiss them as inherently incredible, lacking merit,
without scientific foundation, deceptive? That doesn’t seem to be the case,
especially given the support of these claims by the EPA, NIH and CDC.
If a rating officer requires a C-123 veteran to submit
evidence elevating a disability claim to the threshold of “as likely to or not”
or deserving of the “benefit of the doubt,” adequate evidence has been
submitted to satisfy that requirement. If a rating officer properly insists the
veteran meet the law’s requirement of proving contamination and exposure, those
proofs have been submitted and the veteran need only substantiate having an
Agent Orange-presumptive illness for a claim’s approval.
The law requires veterans claiming benefits but who do
not have Vietnam boots on the ground service to submit evidence of exposure to
military herbicides to be considered for disability compensation. The C.F.R.s
fine-tuned this with the VA’s stated obligation of treating veterans in this
category the same as boots on the ground veterans.

Clearly the Department of Veterans Affairs
has categorized C-123 veterans’ exposure as “secondary” merely to provide some basis, however shaky, for
dismissing perfectly legitimate disability claims. These veterans had primary
exposure, that exposure was to dioxin present on a wide variety of surfaces
inside the warplanes (dust, ceramics, glues, wood, paper, cardboard, glass, composites,
bare aircraft grade aluminum, paint on metal and other surfaces, fiberglass,
glass, leather, nylon, dunnage of all types, and other surfaces) and that
exposure was via dermal, inhalation and perhaps ingestion routes.
We're calling for any expert to weigh in on this. We need especially those experts in the federal government to comment. The Army's Public Health Command is looking into the issue, and considering especially the VA's dismissal of wipe tests used to determine the C-123 contamination and potential for exposure. Can you help? Can you provide a scientific or a legal opinion to help us?
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